September saw the change of seasons from Summer to Fall, and lots of changes here at Sunstone as well.
A reorganization on the macro level began in September with work toward officially adopting the Sunstone Investment Group moniker as the umbrella for our various initiatives. The decision likely will be before the partners in October.
Sunstone Cities Busy
Sunstone Cities LLC, led by Jayro Sandoval and Ryan Phong, have added a huge amount of work to their portfolio. In addition to completion of contracts with Lakewood and Anaheim, they have proposals out with Long Beach, Carpenteria, Bellflower, Hawthorne, Pasadena and Glendale. Each proposal is tailored to that city’s specific needs.
In case that isn’t enough, an entirely new service was unveiled in September. The Public Infrastructure Financing Program will leverage our expertise in the public-private partnership arena to help public agencies — including city, county, and special district agencies — to unlock government grants, loans, and tax credits to help build community facilities and other capital projects for public benefit.
We will be working with American Lending Center and X-Caliber Rural Capital to put together major projects to create jobs and enhance the lives of those in our partner communities.
New Resources On Way
Sunstone Venture Partners, LLC, spent September going through due diligence in preparation to launch the Sunstone Climate Tech Fund I. Sunstone Venture Partners (SVP) is a relying advisor of Sunstone Advisors and will represent Sunstone on the General Partnership (GP) of all new VC funds.
This fund will be open for fundraising this month. The target is $50 million.
SVP also has joined the Small Business Investor Alliance (SBIA), to learn about, access, and leverage government funding and other support — including the Small Business Investment Company (SBIC) licensing. This will provide access to another resource to help stimulate economic growth.
Customer Relations
We put our new emphasis on direct communication with our customers and partners to work in September. In addition to the release of our annual supports, we continued meet-and-greets with investors in the LBA I and LBA II Funds.
And in a great in-office event, we invited partners including ALC staff to a Mid-Autumn Moon Festival party where we learned about floral arrangements. Each attendee created a floral arrangement of their own to take home.
We look forward to more of these fun events going forward, especially with the holidays on their way. I hope you can join us.
And as always, be a Sunstone.
©Sunstone Management, Inc. 2024